Sunday, October 01, 2006

Can it be 2 months already??

Can you believe that I have been here for 2 months already. I can't!

Sunday school is going well. After Thanksgiving I am going to split the one class into 2. The class now is from kindergarten to Grade 9 so I am going to take the kids in grades 6-9 and do a Youth class with them. Youth group will be starting soon. I am excited about that happening, the kids are too.

The Wardens (for you non anglicans; the elders, the ones in charge, the one who hired me) keep telling me what good job I am doing, and how impressed they are in what I have been able to accomplish in the short time I have been here. I just tell them I am just doing my job! I know that I am still in the "honeymoon" but it feels good to have so much support.

The peace the God gives is reigning true and strong even in the midst of family crisis.

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