Saturday, December 30, 2006

One wrong turn in Love and you end up in Manitoba

Erin and I are Visiting Shawn in Prince Albert and he asked us if we want to go to Love. Sure it's only an hour away and who doesn't want to be in love. So off we go and see alot of this.

After going through some Podunk towns we ended up here:

Well it was only 6:40pm and we were up for an adventure and Erin or Shawn had never been to Manitoba so off we went.

After some wrong turns we made it!!

Then it was back to:

So on the way home we saw a HUGE moose and a deer. Erin also saw her first Northern Lights. They were not great but there was no mistaking what they were.

For more of our adventure check out Shawn's blog here

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy Holidays from Blue and Sully

I know it's been like forever since I have blogged so here is the letter I sent out this year.

Dear Two legged Friends,
Hello from the cold west! Outside right now it’s -41 with the wind-chill. Since our human is trying to find some way to keep warm, and we have fur, we have decided to write our human’s Christmas letter. Our human has continued to be very busy but still finds time to love us. Most days we get supper on time and when we don’t all she has to do is give us a scratch under the chin and all is forgiven.
Life with our human is good. This year was full of changes for us all. After some restructuring at the church our human ministered in we found ourselves on an adventure to the Wild West. Our human started a new ministry at St. Leonard’s on the Hill in Red Deer, Alberta. Her new position as Assistant Minister for Youth and Young Families is a long title and a big job. This is a new position for the church and they are very excited about all the ideas our human has. We know that she is busy with the Church and the youth that she works with. We hear that the kids might be coming over soon and we are preparing to meet them for the first time. For Sully it’s under the bed from start to finish, and Blue, well, you all know how she prides herself on being a socialite.
Our move west was an adventure. For our human she had a busy on her month off in the summer. After going to visit her nieces who are the joys in her life for 2 weeks she came back for the Church Army’s National Conference. This was a good time for her before the craziness of the next 2 weeks. She came back home, we were worried with all the boxes that she had forgotten us! 2 days later a loud truck came and took every thing in the house. Sully was upset that all her hiding places were gone. Even Blue was concerned about the open concept that was going on. We learned after that having nothing to hide in was the least of our concerns. We both flew in the plane and ended up in North Bay for 2 weeks. We still haven’t agreed which was worse flying or driving.

In North Bay we got to meet our newest cousin Rebecca or Becca as the humans call her. Becca had just mastered the walking thing. Blue was very excited to be with the girls. Sully did the normal under the bed thing. Kimmie is a very active little girl and being almost 4 she is a going concern and Becca is trying her hardest to keep up!

As many of you know our human’s familyhas had their challenges this year. Our human's father had some medical issues that resulted in a 3 week hospital stay. This was difficult time for our humans mother and she suffered from her own medical issues. As a result our human's mother has moved south to Orrilla to live with our humans's sister. Our human's brother has moved home to help out and ist still working at the resturant he was last year and enjoying it.
Like our Human reminds us often, we are very Blessed. We wish you all the Blessings of love, Joy and Peace that Jesus brings, now and for the year to come.
MERRY Christmas,
Blue & Sully