Monday, May 29, 2006

A stroll along memory lane

Sat and Monday have been an interesting time strolling down memory lane. I have been going through boxes that I haven't unpacked since I moved here 5 years ago. A word to the wise no matter how tempting it might be never never just put mail in boxes thinking you will get to it some time. Sometime only comes when you have to move those boxes again.

It really has been more of a treasure hunt. I have found things I have been looking for for 7 years. Like I found one of my favourite Gospel Illusions tricks. I can't wait to use it again. I also found my divorce degree. I didn't think I ever got a copy of that but all I had to do is look for it! I have found mail from 4 adresses ago. It has not been pretty. I have been through about 13 boxes that were hiding under the bed in the spare room. I am glad that I only have one box left. I have stopped looked at the cards and mail it was getting sappy.

So my word for anyone don't let mail stack up. I have 3 recyle bins full of paper and 2 bags full of stuff that has been shredded. You don't want that to happen to you!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Another Week Done

Today I had a weird experience while at Kings Place. Something like this has happened in the past but the events of the last few months have just made things more real. As some of you know another part of the chaos in my life this spring has been my father's medical issues. On March 9 he had a mini stroke which was alochoal induced. They figure this was the final one that really did some damage. Over the last year he had slowly been going down hill. Small things like paper work changes and moods swings and even personal hygine went downhill. He was very confused for a few days and spent 3 weeks in the hospital detoxing and getting some weight on. So right now the main part of his problem is short term memory and confusion at times.

Back to Kings place. So I got off the bus and was walking down the hall and I saw many men my dad age just wandering around not knowing where they were or why they were there. Hopeless, lost and confused. I felt such compassion for them, I was in tears right there in the mall. All I could think of was if my Dad didn't have my Mom that is what he would be like.

It seems like with all these things I am trying to keep together my emotions are on my sleeve. I have a good friend who has said just again on Monday that he is amazed at how I am keeping myself together with all these MAJOR life crisis happening all at once. One of these things is hard but to have 4 all at the same time.... Man without God and the support of a few really good friends I would be sunk!

So that is part of the chaos in my life.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It's out! Praise God!!!!

So, on Sunday they read the follwing letter in the church I serve in.

May 16, 2006

To the Rector and Wardens,

It has been an enormous privilege to serve and worship with the people of Christ Church Parish Church. I have gained far more than I have given, and the impact will be a lasting one.

Recently I have been given an opportunity to embark upon a new area of ministry in Red Deer Alberta. The timing seems to have the Lord's finger-prints on it, as my time officially comes to a close in this parish. Knowing I am leaving the parish is difficult, but having a sense of direction is truly helpful.

This afternoon, I received official confirmation of an offer to begin work as of August 1, 2006 as the Assistant Minister for youth and young families in the parish of St Leonards on the Hill, Red Deer, in the Diocese of Calgary. Not all the i's are dotted or t's crossed concerning fine details,but in consultation with my regional and national director with Church Army, I am accepting this as God's open door. This will mean that I will leave the parish at the end of June and take my vacation in July.

Please know that as I prepare to conclude this chapter in my life at Christ Church Parish Church,I do so with a heart of thanksgiving. It will always be 'home' to me, and I hope and plan to return for visits with every opportunity.

Knowing of your prayerful support with this transition will be an enormous help.
Once again, my deepest thanks for the privilege of serving and worshiping with you.
Yours in Christ,

Capt. Bonnie Hunt

Man I have to say that I am glad that is out. That is part of the reason I haven't really been blogging much. I haven't been really able to tell anyone what was happening in that area of my life and that was a HUGE part of the chaos going on in my life.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Your Brain's Pattern

Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.

Long time no blog.... ok very long time

Hey all,

I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore but here goes. There has been so much chaos ion my life and alot of it I couldn't talk about on here so I decided to walk away. The chaos isn't as bad now so i think it's safe to come back. That is if there is anyone left here to read.