Thursday, January 25, 2007

Life happens when no one is looking

So a strange thing happens when things in my life get overwhelming... I stop blogging. I have a hard time being here and not sharing what is going on in my life. So last year this time my life started on a downward spiral that I am just seeming to come out of now. It's hard when your in ministry and other people come to you for your help in putting their lives back together. But who do ministers go to? hmmmmm.... it makes me think maybe that is why there are things that are kept hidden in pastors/ ministers families that when it comes out it's almost too late to repair.

I know I have spoken with friends who Blog and we say at times like this we wished we had an completely anonymous blog so we could vent there. I know that I have a few good friends that have really helped me work through the last year.

That was a long prelude to tonight's post....

There has been some serious issues happening at the church I minister at right now, I have counselled others on and off for the past 2 weeks, met with other leaders, and prayed a whole lot. I am tired, drained, and not sleeping well... The very good news in all this is I am off tomorrow morning for a 3 day conference called Breakforth.

I am so looking forward to this, can it get any better?? Worship with Robin Mark, and Brian Doerksen. Casting Crowns, Starfield and Newsboys concerts. Sessions with kay Arthur, Tony Campolo, Josh McDowell and Randy Stonehill. My workshops include some children's and youth ministry ones and creative worship and worship cafe where it is all worship with one of the worship leaders. The really cool thing about this conference is that there is a youth and young adults stream too. No wonder there is 11,000 people coming to this. There are so many options.

The timing for this is a God thing I am sure of. Yeah for God and His sovereign plan.

Things you do when your bored...

You Are Lilac
You are a very innocent and pure person. Ethics matter to you.Your friends consider you a great listener, and you often play therapist to your friends.You are good at drawing out truths in conversation, however painful they may be.Non judgmental and patient - people feel like they can tell you anything!

Monday, January 15, 2007

4 years ago

Today is the day that changed my life four years ago.
I became Auntie Bonnie for the first time.

I can hardly believe that someone who was this small:
Has grown into this:

Kimmie and her little sister Becca are the joys of my life. I love being an auntie. My only regret is that I only see them once a year. I am hoping to change that though!!!

A fresh new look

So I was getting bored with the old look, and blogger has made it really easy to change the look of your blog so I played around a bit. What do you think?