Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Long time no blog

So here I am not doing a very good job of keeping this thing updated.... I will try harder, I promise. So much has taken place in the last few weeks.

Let's see:
  • I can now not only see all of the floor of my office I can now see the top of my desk. What a feeling it is to have a fresh start!

  • last weekend I went to lead a Youth mission in Blackville NB. I had never been to this part of the province so it was a new experience. I should of known when we walked into the hall and it was warmer outside than in we were in for trouble! The furnace wasn't working right but they did get it going but we all thought the gas fumes were going to drive us out. Then, on top of that was possibility the worst pizza I have ever had, the night didn't start off well. We went over to the Church to have an opening worship service. The first band that played was really heavy and it did not go over well. I know that the Priest there was very upset about the music. The rest of the night was a worship band made up of mostly youths and they did an amazing job. People have to understand that the music of today's youth culture is an ever changing organism. Things that appealed to one generation is not going to draw the next in and visa versa. Why can't people be open to the concept that God can speak to people through all sorts of music. I am very diverse in what I like. People are very surprised in the types of music I say I like. The next day we all felt like we were walking on eggshells because of some of the things that had happened the night before. But the day went well. I think that we accomplished our goal of encouraging the youth to look to Jesus instead of drugs. I understand that drugs are a real problem in that area among the youth. I guess when you have nothing else to do for entertainment getting high seems like a good option.
  • I am about to embark on a 3 day shopping trip. I am looking forward to just having a change.
  • I think that might be it for now. When I can figure out how to post pictures I will get some on here.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Today is the day

Well it happened 35 years ago today, life in the outside world began.

Being there when my sister delivered my niece has brought a new understanding of birthdays. They really are a miracle in themselves. I was amazed at the whole process. The fact that God creates us for a purpose and has a plan for our lives that begins 9 months before we enter the world at times can overwhelm me. Don't you wonder if your fulfilling the purpose that God set out for you? I know I do. I give thanks that God has placed in my life friends who see my call and confirm it often. So As I begin life as a 35 year old I wonder about the plans God has for the next 35 years.... long range I know but even 15 years ago I didn't see myself here and in full time ministry.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Diary of a youth pastors office

Nov 4 Manna is growing into a messy blob that is encompassing everything
Nov 5 Manna exploded into office
Nov 6 added children's church mess to the chaos
Nov 7 space brewed on day off
Nov 8 added more stuff to the mess then left for meetings. When I returned and found that the cleaning fairy still hadn't been there I cleared a spot to work and tried to ignore the mess.
Nov 9 arrived at office at 5:30 pm after a day long meeting pushed stuff off desk to work on TEC stuff.
Nov 10 cleaned off chair to sit in cleaned off desk, Manna shirts still on one chair
Nov 11 Day of Remembrance all those who have fought in battle and for those hurt trying to navigate my space.
Nov 12 110 Operation Christmas Child Shoebox delivered diverted my concerns for the well being of my office
Nov 13- floor cleaned off table cleaned off and removed books put away. Desk still a disaster.
Nov 14 floor cleaned off but not vacuumed
Nov 15 floor vacuumed Desk a bit better, Manna Shirts still sitting and waiting.
Nov 16 plans for cleaning desk.

keeping up with the jones

Well here I am blogging. Everyone is doing it. I thought that I would give it a whrill, how hard could it be??? But somewhere in the back of my mind I can hear my mom's voice" if they were going to jump off the bridge would you do that too?"

But really, folks who is going to read some crazy ramblings about a youth pastor who is on fire for the Lord and has a passion to share the Good News with youth?

I am sure that there will be some of you who say yeah right how long is this going to continue. But for those who stick itout with me, you will get to know me better, the kids I work with and join me on this crazy ride I call life.